Purely simple

Many things can be said about high quality leather bags. We like to keep it simple.

LLorca and nature blend in unique pieces.

The personal leather selection and the craft work makes each bag unique.

Maintaining a strong commitment with a sustainable fashion. Avoiding waste and unnecessary use of materials.

‘Creating each piece is a fascinating adventure’.

©photo Mia Stik

Beatriz Aguiar Llorca

Singer and songwriter, painter and designer, has made art her guide, and music her inspiration.

In 2018 she created the brand LLORCA, in honor of her mother’s family name, her roots and the Valencian language.

Lluna ‘ the mood – Llera’ the riverbed – LLiur ‘ the brightness – Llostra ‘ dawn – Lloc ‘ the place – Lliura ‘ the balance – Llot ‘ the earth – Lluny ‘ the distanceLlils ‘ the softness

Lluna ‘ el estado de animo – Llera ‘ el lecho del río – LLiur ‘ el brillo – Llostra ‘ amanecer – Lloc ‘ el lugar – Lliura ‘ el balance – Llot ‘ la tierra – Lluny ‘ la lejaníaLlils ‘ la suavidad

©photo H.Speekenbrink